TECA Science

TECA Science is the section that collects articles on studies and research from the scientific world behind innovations in training methodologies, equipment, and devices developed by the TECA Research and Development Laboratory

How to lose weight quickly with strength training

🕛 4 min

Losing weight is the most requested goal in the gym 

Losing weight is what most people who go to the gym want, but the solutions offered today in fitness centers are not effective. We are not saying this. The numbers tell the story.

We are getting fatter and fatter. One out of three Italians is overweight (about eighteen million people), while one out of ten is obese (another five million), and according to statistics, the trend is constantly increasing. Not only in Italy but throughout Europe.

We are becoming more and more out of shape and more sedentary as well. The trend towards domestic smart working has intensified this trend even further. On average, every Italian spends 5.5 hours sitting per day, while one out of three even reaches 8.5 hours.

A sedentary behavior leads to muscle weakness, which negatively affects people’s health and physical fitness. In terms of health and quality of life, a successful weight loss brings much more than just an aesthetic result. But this only happens if it’s a quality weight loss that ensures the maintenance of good muscle trophism, which is essential for a healthy and active metabolism

Exercise and weight loss, what type is more effective? 

Physical activity, along with a low-calorie diet, is one of the main tools for those who need to lose weight. Every movement counts, as the World Health Organization itself says, but to lose weight in a healthy and effective way, targeted training solutions are needed.

That the current proposal fails to meet this important request is evident. Overweight continues to spread more and more. What is the best strategy to help people lose weight in a correct and effective way at the same time? So far, gyms and fitness centers have focused on cardiovascular activity. Yet we continue to gain weight. 

Cardio and weight loss: the whole truth

No one questions the importance of aerobic exercise. It is a type of activity that is very important in improving overall health and cardiovascular fitness in particular. However, there are even more effective methods for reducing body fat that promote quality weight loss.

Those who do cardio lose weight, it’s true, but part of the weight lost is on the muscle and when muscle trophism decreases, the aesthetic impact worsens. Therefore, the best weight loss workout should aim to reduce fat, while keeping muscle mass as unchanged as possible.

Which physical activity to prefer, therefore, to favor fat loss? Science is clear. The most weight loss training is not the one where you consume more calories. The most important factor in training to lose weight is instead the speed at which the body burns calories post-workout and to achieve all this cardio activity is not sufficient.

Strength Training for weight loss:It’s possible thanks to the EPOC Effect

The definitive answer comes from circuit strength training in a standing position. Not only does strength training allow for the increase and preservation of muscle mass when the goal is fat loss, but it also combines the benefits of both aerobic and anaerobic training in the same session, promoting correct and fast weight loss.

Why does strength training in a standing position lead to more weight loss than cardio? And what is the best system for training strength dynamically and especially in a standing position? Let’s proceed in order. To answer the first question, it is enough to delve into the physiology of exercise.

During physical activity, if the intensity of the training is correctly calibrated, the EPOC effect, or oxygen debt, is triggered. The EPOC effect concerns the amount of oxygen that the body needs after training to restore the state of homeostasis, which requires extra energy. The higher the oxygen debt, the longer the body continues to burn calories post workout.

Among its most important effects are an increase in metabolism and a more effective mobilization of fatty acids released from the adipose tissue into the bloodstream for energy purposes. In addition, there is a more intense consumption of stored fats for several hours after the workout.

EPOC is directly influenced by the intensity and duration of the exercise and its effect can last from a few minutes to 48/72 hours. Furthermore, the calories spent during this period come mainly from lipids and therefore from the adipose deposits.

This makes it one of the most valuable allies in the war against excess pounds. But what type of physical activity is able to cause the highest levels of EPOC? To trigger high levels of EPOC, physical activity must meet three fundamental requirements:

Engage large muscle groups.

Raise and maintain a high heart rate.

Maintain a higher internal temperature.

Strength training in a standing and circuit position, in a dynamic manner, activates the highest levels of EPOC

Both cardio (traditional and high-intensity) and strength training activate EPOC. However, according to a study published in Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, “the EPOC generated by strength training sessions with short intervals and stimulating overloading lasts the longest” compared to other types of training (endurance or high-intensity aerobic activity). The most natural and effective way to achieve all this is with the TECA Switching standing strength circuit training isotonic machines.

Why does the TECA strength circuit in a standing position fully meet the physiological needs of weight loss training?

  1. The Switching circuit trains the entire body with compound strength exercises standing, using large muscle groups.
  2. Compound exercises on standing station machines increase the heart rate more than isolated exercises because the body needs to oxygenate more muscles simultaneously. For this reason, the heart needs to pump more blood throughout the body, and to do this, the heart rate must increase.
  3. Switching trains circuit strength on machines with stimulating overloads

When all these conditions occur together, the EPOC effect is amplified.

Switching Dynamic Strength Circuit: More than just Weight Loss

 Training strength circuit on Switching brings additional benefits: 

Highest EPOC levels, faster weight loss and better physical appearance.

Increase in muscle tone due to the stimulating overloads.

More correct exercise due to a more physiological working position in an upright station.

• Maximum improvement in performance.

Shorter workouts and always changing stimuli to attract even the least enthusiastic.

All these unique features make the Switching dynamic strength circuit the most effective, fastest, and simplest method for weight loss.

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