Shoulder press

Machine that allows the musculature of the shoulders to be worked in complete safety, also because it is equipped with the R.O.M. device, to limit the range of movement.

99 in stock

SKU SP660C Category Tag

The continuous use of the barbell and the dumbbells in the distension for the deltoid muscles in all its possible variants, is not preferred by the gyms athletes apart. Not everyone in fact has an adequate degree of looseness in the shoulder joint to allow a correct work with free weights: not to mention the subjects with kypholordosis, for which such exercises are prohibitive for the condition of the spine. The Shoulder press overcoming the drawbacks linked to the articular unbalance allows to work the shoulders in absolute safety, thanks to the adjustment of the machine parts and to the R.O.M. By positioning the seat at a level that brings the shoulder to the height of the handle and the back forward until a medium elbow retreat due to the retraction of the medial rotators, a correct starting position is obtained in all those cases of good articulation of the shoulders. People with rigid total kyphosis tend to “slide” forward because of the total stiffness of the spine and shoulders, others with retraction of the bachelor muscles accentuate the cervical lordosis, while those affected by lumbar hyperlordosis see the lordosis. In all these cases, the solution in principle is entrusted to R.O.M., by adjusting it appropriately it is possible to allow everyone to work with confidence and great satisfaction. Equipped with height-adjustable seat and adjustable backrest. At the base of the arm at the point of rotation there is a support equipped with a counterweight which allows the necessary load balancing during concentric and eccentric contraction. Always on the arm is a support for the additional load in disks for the “stronger”. The handles are ergonomic, covered with anti-sweat material. Compact, good line and excellent billing but above all very useful, all qualities that make it unique in its kind.

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