Lose weight with cardiovascular activity: shown to be less effective than doing muscle circuit exercises in a standing position

🕛 < 1 mins Losing weight is the most desired objective in the gym, but the latest overweight statistics show that current training solutions are not effective. Those who need to lose weight are tempted to rely on cardiovascular activity, and in fitness centres aerobic activity is more recommended for losing weight. Is running, cycling or aerobics classes sufficient […]

Strength is the most suitable training for every fitness, sport and health goal, but there is no single type of strength or equipment that can satisfy all needs.

🕛 < 1 mins The latest research proves that strength training is the most important training for the best results in fitness, weight loss, performance, health and longevity. This is also confirmed by the WHO, which urges people to do strength training at every age and for every goal.  But what goal do we seek by strength training? The […]