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How to lose a size in a week (without dieting)

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Is it possible to lose weight easily, quickly and healthily, without ending up with a sloth-like metabolism and a drained physique? Yes, if you know how. Discover all the secrets on how to lose a size in a week without starving yourself and spending endless hours in the gym.

If you dream of a sculpted physique, but still have a few extra kilos, with these tips ranging from nutrition and exercise to how to make up for excessive meals, you can lose weight fast and reshape your silhouette in just 7 days.

When it comes to slimming down, you may come to think that the most difficult challenge is to get the needle on the scales down. However, with the right measures, losing weight is not that difficult. The real challenge is to channel the weight loss towards fat mass and keep muscle mass intact, which plays a key role in keeping the metabolism at a high level of efficiency. Here’s why.

Losing weight: the two mistakes to absolutely avoid

When you want to shed those extra kilos in a hurry, you always look for the quickest solution and usually go for one of these two strategies (in some cases you choose both):

– Excessive reduction of daily calories.

– Aerobic activity for hours on end, possibly on an empty stomach.

However, adopting these strategies will not help to lose weight in a healthy way; on the contrary, they will lead to a number of negative consequences. A very strict diet and excessive aerobic activity lower the metabolism and catabolise muscle mass.

In other words, the basal metabolic rate is reduced to cope with the excessive calorie cut, setting in motion a series of actions designed both to conserve energy as much as possible (we move less, for example) and to restore pre-diet fat levels (we would, therefore, be hungrier).

On the other hand, muscle is a metabolically active, energy-consuming tissue, whereas fat only has an energy and storage function and therefore requires far fewer calories. Lean mass is the most valuable ally if you want to learn how to lose weight successfully, because muscles

– raise the metabolism

– decrease the tendency to gain weight

– burn calories even at rest

– improve aesthetics.

A body with few muscles looks hollow, flabby and lacking in tone. Not exactly the physique of dreams, if anything the opposite. At this point, the question arises: how can we lose weight quickly and in a healthy way?

Let’s find out together.

The 4 must-haves for losing weight fast

In the battle against extra kilos, they are your best allies: a healthy diet, proper hydration, adequate rest and the right exercise.

With these tricks, you will discover how to lose weight fast and lose a size in just a few days, without starvation diets and without locking yourself up for hours in the gym, seven days a week.

The right diet to lose weight

The battle to lose a size in a week starts at the table.

The preferred foods are those that are raw, more hydrated, less processed if possible, and low in calories. Green light, therefore, to seasonal fruit and vegetables, lean proteins such as meat, fish and free-range eggs, good fats such as extra virgin olive and coconut oil, seeds and nuts.

Foods with low energy density, in other words containing few calories, can be eaten in large quantities, help us feel full and not get up from the table with the feeling of an empty belly.

At the same time, it is important to consume more protein: it satiates and keeps hunger pangs at bay for more hours than meals where the main ingredient is carbohydrates (pasta, rice, bread, potatoes).

The ideal diet for those who want to lose weight quickly will therefore be based on lean proteins and vegetables, few healthy fats and seasonal fruit, but without exaggerating with quantities.

How to lose weight quickly with proper hydration

The right water intake is the second ally in defeating excess fat. Water is an essential element for all chemical reactions that take place in the body, including the ability to burn and dispose of fat. A dehydrated body will find it more difficult to lose weight. Here’s why.

First of all, it is important to know that the sense of thirst and the sense of hunger are controlled by the same nerve centre, in the hypothalamus, and often the two stimuli are confused with each other. If you are dehydrated, you may feel the sensation of hunger and this may cause you to eat more even when you do not really need it.

The second important aspect on hydration is related to water retention. If water levels in the body are insufficient, the body will have difficulty eliminating waste and toxins, so it will be forced to retain and reabsorb water that should be eliminated.

In other words, if you want to lose weight quickly, make sure you drink enough. If you are dehydrated, water retention increases and you will look bloated and watery.

How much water to drink, then? The ideal amount for an adult person, according to Ministry of Health guidelines, is 2.5 litres a day, on average, but if you exercise, you should increase this by at least one litre.

Why rest helps you lose weight fast

When they want to lose weight, many people focus exclusively on nutrition and the gym, neglecting a vitally important factor such as rest.

Getting enough sleep is not just an urban legend. Quite the contrary. The right hours of rest are a prerequisite for successful weight loss.  Science confirms that there is a very close relationship between the sleep-wake cycle, metabolism, hormones and nutrition.

In practice, less sleep affects the hormone balance and reduces the production of the satiety hormone leptin. Those who do not get enough rest will be hungrier and, consequently, more difficult to lose weight.

Sleep and weight go hand in hand and in order to win the battle against extra kilos, it is important not only to get the usual eight hours of sleep, but also to try to get quality sleep through proper behavioural therapy.  Thus, it would be desirable not to use electronic devices two to three hours before going to sleep, to eliminate all light during the night (do not fall asleep with the TV on) or to supplement with molecules that can help you rest better, such as melatonin.

The best exercises for losing weight

Increasing your physical activity will not only help you lose weight fast, but also give your metabolism a wake-up call. On one condition: choose the right exercises.

As mentioned earlier, excessive aerobic activity is not the best choice for losing weight. On the contrary, it has a catabolic effect on lean mass. Hard to believe? Just look at the physique of a marathon runner and that of a hundred-metre runner. The aesthetic difference is immense!

So what are the preferred exercises for quality weight loss?

The ideal physical activity is one that allows you to burn many calories not during your workout, but in the hours afterwards, while resting comfortably on your couch or while you sleep. Yes, you read that right.

No magic, it’s simply science. Exercise sets in motion a cascade of metabolic and hormonal events. To restore all these parameters to their basal levels at the end of exercise, the body requires significant amounts of oxygen. This extra consumption of oxygen is referred to as EPOC and has the effect of, among other things, increasing metabolism and the consumption of stored fat for many hours after the gym session.

How best to exploit the EPOC effect? The answer is circuit training, preferably with interesting overloads that stimulate the muscles of the entire body and at the same time raise the heart rate. You can certainly train with dumbbells and combine them with aerobic exercises, but if you are looking for a scientific workout that can dramatically increase EPOC levels, then you should definitely try Switching.

This is a functional circuit of isotonic standing machines that combines weight training and cardiovascular exercise in the same session. With Switching, it only takes three 30-minute total body workouts per week to significantly reduce fat mass and lose a size in just a few days.

Why does Switching make you lose weight more than cardio and faster? Read more here https://tecafitness.com/it/dimagrire-con-lattivita-cardiovascolare-dimostrata-la-sua-limitata-efficacia-rispetto-al-lavoro-muscolare-a-circuito-in-stazione-eretta/


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